Class Notes: package basicJava; public class Car { // Class scope starts here //Class scopes are GLOBAL but METHOD scope is LOCAL //Core concepts of Java /* * Multiline comments * Comments - are two types: 1)Single-line comment // * Class - is nothing but a blueprint/design/template * to create Object /end product * What do we find inside Class? * - Inside the class we find * 3 things/ class members: 1) States - Properties/ Attributes/ Fields * 2) Behaviors -> Methods/Actions/Functions * 3) Main() methods * Variable - is nothing but a container that stores/hold data */ String name = "Tesla"; //Strings go inside quotation marks int price = 100000; // integer is a complete number These are states public void run() { //It is method and the Scope of the method starts here //Method is a block of code(s) that only runs/executes //when it is called by name System.out.println(...